No Free Lunch theorem

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A framework is developed to explore the connection between effective optimization algorithms and the problems they are solving. A number of “no free lunch” (NFL) theorems are presented which establish that for any algorithm, any elevated performance over one class of problems is offset by performance over another class.

A model is a simplified representation of reality, and the simplifications are made to discard unnecessary detail and allow us to focus on the aspect of reality that we want to understand. These simplifications are grounded on assumptions; these assumptions may hold in some situations, but may not hold in other situations. This implies that a model that explains a certain situation well may fail in another situation. In both statistics and machine learning, we need to check our assumptions before relying on a model.

The “No Free Lunch” theorem states that there is no one model that works best for every problem.

The assumptions of a great model for one problem may not hold for another problem, so it is common in machine learning to try multiple models and find one that works best for a particular problem.

This is especially true in supervised learning; validation or cross-validation is commonly used to assess the predictive accuracies of multiple models of varying complexity to find the best model. A model that works well could also be trained by multiple algorithms – for example, linear regression could be trained by the normal equations or by gradient descent.

Depending on the problem, it is important to assess the trade-offs between speed, accuracy, and complexity of different models and algorithms and find a model that works best for that particular problem.

The no-free-lunch theorem of optimization (NFLT) is an impossibility theorem telling us that a general-purpose, universal optimization strategy is impossible. The only way one strategy can outperform another is if it is specialized to the structure of the specific problem under consideration. Since optimization is a central human activity, an appreciation of the NFLT and its consequences is essential. In this paper, we present a framework for conceptualizing optimization that leads to a simple but rigorous explanation of the NFLT and its implications.




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